The Holistic Approach to Health

Cosmic Harmony
Holistic Health
Hypnotherapy, or hypnosis, is a trance-like state in which one has heightened focus and concentration. It is designed to induce a relaxed and suggestible state of mind where you are always in control.
The brain has different levels of consciousness, or awareness. This ranges from fully alert to drowsy to fully asleep.
Hypnotic states are a natural occurrence. We are often in a trance-like or hypnotic state. Examples of this include daydreaming, doing repetitive tasks, and driving your car without even thinking about every single process. Have you ever driven your car on a familiar route, and you can’t even remember all the details along the way?
The following explains the functions of the subconscious mind and the conscious mind:
The mind has two interdependent elements: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, also called the unconscious mind.
The following is a breakdown of the function of these two minds:
The conscious mind (in the prefrontal cortex) is the seat of our personal identity, our source and our spirituality. Its role is to manifest our wishes, desires and aspirations. The conscious mind is the seat of positive thinking.
The character of the conscious mind = creativity
The subconscious mind represents about 90% of the brain. Its role is to record behaviours and, when we need that behaviour, it will automatically play out – just like driving your car on a familiar route, you do not need to think about directions. The subconscious mind is a record and playback system, a database of all behavioural programs.
The character of the subconscious mind = habitual
From about the last trimester in the womb to age 7 years old, we take in information from our environment. Up to the age of 12 years old, we are constantly learning behaviours from those around us. Many of our behaviours are acquired by watching how others react and behave.
Unfortunately, not all the learned behaviours are positive. For example, when a young child does not perform well in sports, academics, arts, etc., an adult may respond by saying something like, “You’ll never be good at art,” or, “You’ll never get anywhere in this world with results like this.”
All this negative input is recorded and remembered. Since the subconscious mind is habitual, this programmed negative input will playback this program when triggered by an event later in life.
It is said that the average person spends about 95% of the day in a thought process.
Let us break this down so we can better understand why we do not always have the outcome we desire.
Subconscious mind = thought = about 95% of the day
Conscious mind (waking mind) goes into thought = subconscious mind
So, while were thinking of our wishes and desires, the subconscious mind takes over with all its past programming from other people, of which about 70% is negative or disempowering.
Conscious Mind: Today, I am going to stop smoking, or do well with my presentation, or perform at my peak.
The result: Nothing works out, feel like a victim, feel like a failure, like I will never succeed in anything. All my wishes and desires are a failure.
Subconscious Mind: The subconscious programming took over!
However, in hypnosis, the conscious mind is bypassed and the programs in the subconscious mind are changed from negative to positive.
Hypnosis can help you change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours.
Hypnosis is highly effective in treating issues such as stress, smoking, weight loss, stuttering, etc.
Written by Sharon Haasbroek (2020)